爽剧路子最后一集真的是太美好了我滴妈…中心思想其实是女主自杀的母亲说的那句话:you do whatever you want 人生没有那些所谓公序良俗的设定真的可以活出各种可能性想到自己少年时期的chess training period, 那段时间真的是把这辈子所有的比赛都比完了有被虐过也有爽过那个时候妹子很少玩这个看了让人下面滴水的说说宝贝可以说这是个boy’s game下课了其他同学都回家了我在棋队里跟汉子们车轮战感觉到自己一点点变强直到队里的老大对我刮目相看It was quite something. 在省里比赛有垫过底也有进过前30,总之现在已是浮云不过直到现在我才问自己这个问题why do you stop studying, when you still love it
The music is a mix of rap, Latin, and R&B but there isn't a memorable song. The only dance number worth mentioning is the swimming pool (96g) scene. The musical wants to convey social economic problems such as immigration, racism, and gentrification to its audience. Honestly I doubt the messages would get through such busy a movie.