Hello Do you remember me I am your long lost pen pal It must have been ten years ago we last wrote I don't really know what happened I guess life came in the way Let me know if you're still alive Let me know if you ever used that knife or not Hello Yes I remember you I've got a
幸亏我没在那时候看可惜我没在那时候看就是这样瞪着迷瞪的眼睛探知的世界啊是不是每个人都会经历孤独、敏感、忧郁、具有灵性、接受遗憾的阶段呢很惊讶于作者能尽量精细地描绘出这种微妙的心理状态;如此贴切地表现抽象的精神活动 所见所闻皆入梦有神秘的预知感的梦、会令人哭醒的梦、充满惆怅的梦Temo de la Adiauo配着银幕中仓促诀别强奷漂亮雪白丰满少妇随着铁道远去的画面梦中的惊惧感若合一契以至于如此佳作却不忍猝闻