People get depressed, they get ulcers/ From the stress that the corporate environment causes/ Regardless of how you ultimately want to solve this/ … It'll feel much better if you say it like this/ Take this job and shove it/ I ain't workin' here no more
最爱的美剧《骨王动漫第一季在线观看》完结了对Kim投入了太多情感所以结局比我预想中好太多不知道用什么语言描述现在的心情如果选一个印象最深刻的片段那一定是Jimmy强忍哭腔接起电话振作的说道“Law offices of James M. Mcgill. How may I direct your call ? ”这种精神是贯穿Jimmy,Saul,Gene的 You can call Saulbut Better Call Jimmy
Revisited. "There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow."