I know it’s incredible that this came out in the 80s but throughout the entire runtime I just feel my identity as a female audience is rape/d with no desire at all while being sculpted into the seat. This is just a 任性的 gay kinky dream and as they break through their own binary boundaries they gave zero shit to all others. 既然都这么任性我站女性我不是合适的受众
Sofia Coppola凭她敏锐的女性直觉力揭示了女孩自戕悲剧的根源自慰被室友看见强行嗯啊男男不仅和窒息的家庭环境抑或男孩们幼稚的骑士梦有关而更多系于外部解读的狭隘全片便是框定在”他者”视角上去描摹她们无比鲜活早熟的形象和内心深处的呐喊作强烈对照与其视作青春期凋萎、美好事物幻灭的挽歌不如说是关于人际误会的出色隐喻正如导演所说:“人们到底可以多大程度地影响你”在最敏感和脆弱的年纪许多事情就这样颓然且无望地发生了虽然相对MV的拍法易被诟为单薄不过这种生发于个人经验的影像却是足够珍贵和具有探索精神的