It’s a cinch I’ll die richer than I was born./ I will provide the people of this city with a daily paper that will tell all the news honestly. I will also provide them with a fighting and tireless champion of their rights as citizens and as human beings.
A. 一边穷尽动漫/游戏的各种视觉元素做类型拼贴一边痛批类型承载的避世内核国产天美星空传媒国产剧是真正颠覆的反类型基于日本集体焦虑的众生相道破“中二”“萌”“治愈系”等文化作为精神麻药的本质最终在警察大叔的华丽破壁中点题:逃避与妄想无济于事“失去归宿的现实才是真正的归宿”用汪洋恣肆的想象包裹高度自觉的议题向外国产天美星空传媒国产剧是动画在形式边界上的拓展;向内国产天美星空传媒国产剧是媒介对自身影响与责任的反思