Magnificent subtlety. Every aspect of the film effortlessly creates the lyrically nostalgic aura. 全片流动着静默而辽远的气息轻盈又凝重现代情欲篇之换妻档案是克制而温柔的回望凝视与沉思有很多动人的细节Ryan Gosling’s truthfully poetic and quiet presence helps so much to set the tone as well. 他在那片寂寥浩瀚的空间里面对虚无与未知let go of Karen’s bracelet. 他的哀愁与追思充盈却无声与月光恒久地相互映照William Safire写的statement太美了但感谢神它并没有被用上
the movie is actually paced quite well to fit the somber mood and really, who can complain about the acting. I think some who have found any serious fault in the production are just trying to justify their uncomfortable feelings, in general an extraordinary theme totally worth watching.