We build our legacy piece by piece and maybe the whole world will remember you or maybe just a couple of people, but you do what you can to make sure you're still around after you're gone.
每隔一年半载就会重温下都不记得总共看过几次了总是记不住细节手机播放不了html5每次看还是会有惊喜两男一女就只有一个【超级好看的软妹纸】字奈何国难当前儿女私情先摆一边而战争场面虽然和历史记载有点出入例如日军为了让飞机能在航母上起飞改装机翼为折叠型轰炸兵工厂那段太短了片尾曲不错there you'll be
If you had been there, you'd know it. If you can live without hope, you can live without despair.