他们自己过河唯一能学会的 - The only thing they're gonna learn crossing that 就是怎么死 is how to die. 队长我觉得这条河可不是 . Don't think this is the place to try 过了这河接下来还有落基山更难 t's this to the Rockies, and then it's worse, 如果他们连河都过不了 If they can't cross a fucking river, 那要怎么翻山越岭 how are they gonna cross the mountains 或是我们先要穿过的那片沙漠 or the goddam desert we go through first?
Saturday afternoon,two lovers go to the cinema.I am so lucky that we still have this kind of romantic mood.Because it is very expensive to see a film in a cinema nowadays.we would cost 100 yuan at least.But it is worth seeing a wonderful movie which you desire to. Kong Fu Prada