I got drunk often, but through an excess of high spirits, in the love of the moment, and the wish to prolong and enhance it; Sebastian drank to escape. As we together grew older and more serious I drank less, he more.
What is reality? What ur brain tells you it is. 谁能想到我还能找到比哈佛幸福课更有意思的课拿实验和数据直接摆到脸前, 但一点都不枯燥非常 非常 非常 顺畅有趣, 会想求他出付费课的程度, 一定去包终身只看完第一集给孩子感动的, 含金量又高又有意思的纪录片我看到的属实少之又少, 会存起来多刷 第二集以生物知识诠释“灵魂”“意识”的概念, 丝滑, 好丝滑为什么只有三集呜呜, 现在的心情就是看一集少一集 第三集主要围绕decision开展,决策需要情感+逻辑的互相配合