男主sweet and nice无人在线观看免费观看完整版高清是个好人女主激情、活力、乐观、情商高人也很nice两个主角都讨人喜欢女主托关系带男主玩晚上空无一人的游乐场我也是无力吐槽了礼物你可以有想象力点中间闹点矛盾最后无非就是把追飞机改成追比赛结束还是套路只不过变成了男女角色互换的爱情片开头惊艳、后面就不该一路平庸下去
i love the ending. Since then, they never see each other again. but she believes that he is still alive, since it snows every winter. its still a weird and boring small town, but its a warm and beautiful story. i should say that its limited by tech and time.