He is the ex who didn’t want you to go for that hard-to-get overseas posting cos he claimed that he couldn’t bear having you leave him. Or the ex who said your heels look shit when in fact by wearing them it means you’ll be taller than him. He is the male figure who is lesser than you but will relentlessly put you down to make himself feel better.
4.5 法律方面的描写真实而适度没有对“法律原则”老套的吹捧和教导只是平实又饶有趣味的在法庭里日常的唇枪舌剑而且被当事人坑的这一点嘛哈哈哈简直不要太真实啦不过这部戏看完以后才会感到挥之不去的noir韵味:Manion到底水性杨花吗Manion中尉最后被同囚室的犯人捅了一刀亚洲精品国产精品国自产观看是不是Manion故意下的套如果是这样为何铤而走险他又是什么时候打定这主意当你开始让这些问题得到一组协调的答案事情就变得相当有趣了...Duke Ellington耐人寻味的爵士乐配乐在形成影片的tone方面绝对是take it up a notch难以想象OST如果写成big string orchestra该让观众觉得有多老套