Afghanistan, a war-torn country, which has been at war for decades. Everyone is at stake, especially for girls. Watching one of 12-year-old girls sit in the classroom and say that none of them can read or write is frustrating, disappointed about the fuc*ing world. Such a shiny country does the gloom hover over.
22 Dec 年度看過最佳港產片完整性高攝影美術氣氛也到位唯獨姜皓文真的太用力了高密爆炸2023也是他過去做主角的弊病(翠絲跟他演的電視劇也是)Stephy一貫厭惡中女的演技(已經是她的標誌了)最後那一幕才發揮出來配角個個出色凌文龍令人心寒、余香凝做得徹底(但好像故事給cut了sad)劇本最後有點弱好像有點草草收尾但總體給個高分