Fav: beach scene, drive me into secret excitement train met, leaned down and bed whispering"am I gay?" scene, final running scene, dancing like no ones around scenes, 'how am I gonna do abt this sofa' then two adults play house scene n this 'I may look young, but I’m old and wrinkled on the inside' child freaking amazes me, jakes beautiful beautifu
演员们都好可爱最喜欢的角色竟然是big red? Ricky真是个heartthrob中文在线网在线中文虽然有时候挺烦的但整个角色还是很容易让人喜欢的Two reasons to love Joshua Bassett: the way he sings; the 1% percent similarity to Thomas... except TB is less cute, has dreadful German straight guy taste in fashion and absolute no talent in music (his word)