These are not perfect people. These are deeply flawed people. But they made contributions. And I think what it means is we have to acknowledge, right now in the 21st-century, how much of what we have today is built on the backs of people whose contribution never gets acknowledged. ——这句话放在现在说疯马SHOW完整好像显得更有意义了
一开篇的节奏对话和人物状态就让我喜欢了没想到后续故事会安置在游乐场yeah right, I overlooked the movie title apparently.... 片中插曲都挺不错顺带发现之前看过的本片导演Greg Mottola 作品也都是我的菜ps. 海报导语:It was the worst job they ever imagined... and the best time of their lives.